
Amazon Pip Escalation To Survive

I completed 6 month SDE internship last year and joined a team in HYD as full time in Sept. Didn't have a good bonding with manager, lots of OE work and tried shifting to another HYD team in early Jan. Manager's negative feedback didn't led to the transfer and that's where I got weekly performance mails with no major points. In march, Manager shared a two-phased coaching plan of with eight tasks, each of atleast 1 months dev effort which I called out over email. Now, after delivering 3 tasks and 1 in implementation phase, manager has scheduled a pivot meeting invite with HRBP. *How much chances are there of getting the PIP decision reviewed on escalating the case to senior leadership?* *Can I take casual leaves to buy some time before this meeting happens in coming week?* *Shall I ask business team to share the feedback?* I have the datapoints collected for every week of strong dev effort I have put in. Senior devs appreciated the design and rated one of the project as SDE2 level one. #Amazon #pip #culture #sde #swe

Equinix lassoridge May 29, 2020

Tc, yoe or gtfo

Amazon funNfrolic OP May 29, 2020

Tc: INR 16.5lpa ~ USD 22k YOE: 1

pRVK61 May 29, 2020

The team you interned with didn't have an opening?

Amazon funNfrolic OP May 29, 2020

It did. I moved to Hyd to stay with family.

Salesforce PCgi60 May 29, 2020

Time to move on..didn’t know Indian teams will pip as well

Amazon AtcP35 May 29, 2020

1. If you are asking - don't waste your time. 2. Too late. Can try to do medical leave during pip. Not paid, just to extend employment status. 3. Yes! If you end up in appeal. But that feedback should be relevant for the tasks in pip.

Amazon funNfrolic OP May 29, 2020

1. Will the escalation meeting/mail get ignored in the worst case? 3. Not going for PIP tasks in any case. Will prefer to look opportunity outside. So there's no way to appeal now?

Amazon AtcP35 May 30, 2020

1. Worst case you will prove you can't earn trust. Skip needs to sign your pip plan, if you have a meeting scheduled - they have already made their mind. 3. Last time I checked, you could appeal only the pip outcome (before you could appeal the pip itself). Please, check the Amazon tab, there are many threads(

Google ABC-CEO May 29, 2020

Sorry you're part of the URA quota, senior leadership thanks you for helping them meet this quota.

Intuit Visitor Q May 29, 2020

nah, they won’t even thank

Amazon javGp May 29, 2020

Never change team. Always change company.

Amazon funNfrolic OP May 29, 2020

Agree now. Never thought of switching so quickly few months before.

Intuit Visitor Q May 29, 2020

What things caused the pivot?

Google ABC-CEO May 29, 2020

URA quota

Equinix lassoridge May 29, 2020

Keep in mind, jobs are difficult to find amidst this pandemic. So, try to stick with Amazon for as long as possible.

Microsoft geek4life Jun 2, 2020

Shit. Is Amazon this bad? Why every PIP sounds like the victim is ok with performance but manager pushes them out?

Amazon dVwQj Jun 2, 2020

Forced URA requirement from Directors. Either manager has to go or one of reports has to go.

Microsoft geek4life Jun 2, 2020

That sucks.