
Amazon SDE intern interview

I have amazon sde intern interview in 4/5 days. I am not that good in coding part. I can do questions on array tho but I don't have good knowledge on dp, tree, graphs question. I am also seeing some youtube videos on amazon lp. Can you guys give me some tips on how can I prepare myself for the interview? I have experience on campus jobs only and did some projects. Is it enough to make up stories for amazon lp questions? I might do average on lp questions but I am very afraid about the technical questions. #amazon #interview #internship

GE snowden1 Aug 6, 2022

Just gotta do leetcode— LP is behavioral and it’s as if the interviewers expect you to make up stories so don’t worry about that

ns921771 OP Aug 6, 2022

Many people are saying lp is the most important part

EA illlilili Aug 6, 2022

Stop asking here and go search technical question problems and do leetcoding except eating and sleeping time

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AMD u73jsch Aug 6, 2022

Just go through previous interview experiences of candidates in GFG.

wVEw75 Aug 6, 2022

Having just gone through the process for new grad position and getting an offer: - LP: matter more than coding skills. Figure out different situations from your life, explain them in star format, make sure to get the results to match the question asked or show improvement for customers. The fact that LP matter more than coding skills is corroborated by a friend who’s been working there for 2 years now. - Technical: learn your data structures first and foremost. The technical part isn’t as difficult, it’s mostly DP, maybe Trees, and rarely graphs. Remember the tools at your disposal (Datastructs) know their runtime and explain how they work. If you can show technical understanding here then it’s big plus! Eg what happens when there collisions in hashmaps and enumerate different approaches eg Red Black trees, or hitting the next index, explain that look up is expected O(1) under assumption that the pair wise probability of collision is 1/n.

ns921771 OP Aug 6, 2022

Hey, thanks for the information. I'll look up all the data structures. Though I'm not that great at DP, I'll still look at some easy problems on it.

Amazon bezozz Aug 7, 2022

Use star method, if you can’t solve optimal solutions that’s points down