Amazon ads L5 vs Meta E4 wlb, rto rules?

I'm expecting an offer from Amazon today and am in team matching with Meta. I understand it varies from team to team, but in general which of these positions has better wlb? I'm also wondering how Rto is monitored at these companies. I know I'll be in office 3 days a week, but I'm hoping I can get work done on the train and spend 6ish hours in office rather than 8. Are either of these companies less strict on hours spent in office? TC 130K

Amazon f’ed_up Dec 27, 2023

What are the offers?

Capital One ceKQ332 OP Dec 27, 2023

Will update the Amazon offer today, meta may take a while, I haven't met with any managers yet

Capital One ceKQ332 OP Dec 27, 2023

Current offer is 320k

Meta fomosapein Dec 27, 2023

I know at Meta you only need to badge your presence, you don’t need to spend all 8 hours. The same applies to Amazon too I believe. But either way, it’s on your manager how much time they see you around. A bad manager might nitpick on your short presence in office if you are falling behind on your deliverables.

Meta totoro80 Dec 27, 2023

I was at Meta and joined Amazon recently. The micro management at Amazon is insane, with no WLB. I have only joined for a few months now and I am already regretful.

Amazon L5for-lyfe Dec 27, 2023

At Amazon, time spent in office is not visible or monitored *yet*. I simply badge out as soon as I badge in and it counts as a day fine. However, micro management is big here, so your manager might still notice if you're not in the office enough. "Enough" is whatever the hell they define it to be 😂

Amazon bjyfh67d Dec 27, 2023

What team inside Amazon ads? Tbh I would probably take meta but I’m also jaded.

Capital One ceKQ332 OP Dec 27, 2023

Media planning

Amazon imtxzvbdsq Jan 22

What was your meta offer split?