Amazon interview performance

Hi Team, Recently I had interview with amazon. All the technical sessions went well but in HM session in the first interview my example took long. And HM said that he got lost. But at the end I somehow explained it and he clearly understood. However for the remaining LP quesions I had to be very fast HM likes my second LP answer and third one as well. For the 4th LP question I answered and he clearly get it but could not ask followups. Other onsites went well. Does it make my decision negative. Is there anybody has that kind of situation before? TC: 120k YoE: 5 #Amazon

Amazon drunkenrex Mar 12

Its Amazon, dont sweat it. Think of this interview as a practice round for better options that will lie ahead

Expedia Group DEEEC Mar 12


Juniper Easpo Mar 12

Most likely fake job advertisement where HM do not want to think deeply and decipher your answers

DocuSign prodLaunch Mar 12

You should use Amazon interview as practice round for other companies and if you get offer use that for negotiation.

Expedia Group DEEEC Mar 12


Microsoft RSBM12 Mar 12

What other companies should op target?

Flexport git4649 Mar 12

Kinda in similar boat, when did you give your onsite?

Dremio 3fEnI9 Mar 12

how many LP questions did you get in a session, and how long was the time allocated for LP questions?

IBM IPMN53 OP Mar 12

For HM session it was 4. For other sessions in 3-4

Dremio 3fEnI9 Mar 12

thank you, that’s more than what I was expecting, I was expecting 2-3 questions for each session