Amazon or Lyft? (Internship)

I currently have internship offers from Amazon and Lyft. Which company do you think would be best for my career? Context: - I don't know which team I would be working on at either company yet. - I am trying to get a full-time return offer.

AQR alkaline23 Oct 21, 2020

Given it’s an internship, I would say go with Amazon. If it was an FTE, role would be more important.

Google weeeeeev Oct 21, 2020

Amazon is easy to get full time offer. It’s not negotiable though, but it’s satisfactory

Amazon pOxg22 Oct 21, 2020

Probably lyft. Return offer may be less likely but youll probably get way more calls when applying for new grad w/ lyft on your resume. Also why isn't this a poll