
Amazon recruiter, front end engineer (fee) vs sde

Im definitely mostly a front end engineer but worried about the title being different from sde and a different interview experience than the swe kind ive been preparing for. So id be down to do full-stack, but am i qualified for it? Nothing in my work history with java/c#/c++ or object oriented design like a lot of the sde roles ask for. Closest thing to full-stack is around 2 years ago when i worked with node, express, docker, aws, mongodb, api design, all in javascript I do have a lot of c and c++ stuff on my github (basic emulator, a super basic javascript interpreter) but theyre so old that they definitely dont represent my current capabilities. With 2+ yoe frontend and maybe like 1 yoe fullstack, would this at least be enough to go for a sde1 role? Tc 65 #engineering #software #swe #amazonaws #amazon

VMware yumhater69 Feb 24, 2022

Have you ever done Angular 2+ stuff? If you understand dependency injection C# or Java isn’t the worst transition

WWDJ Feb 24, 2022

Why not trying FEE?

ferret58 OP Feb 24, 2022

Im just worried about the interview experience being different from a SWE, which is what ive been prepping for. And also working as a FEE might imply that it wasnt SWE experience, so might not be as strong an applicant for SWE roles later. Im probably completely wrong here, its just a hunch

WWDJ Feb 24, 2022

Do you consider yourself as a good front end developer? Do you enjoy it? If you answer on both yes than I think you should be fine on the interview process. Now back to work, try to talk to the hiring manager and ask about the team/ responsibilities you might have. Do you know the team that you are interviewing for?

JPMorgan Chase 🥜tc, yoe:2 Feb 24, 2022

don’t worry too much just leetcode

Amazon vsbit866 Feb 24, 2022

funny enough FEE has a higher bar and gets very subjective. FEE loop is 2/3rd same as SDE loop plus front end design. I would recommend grinding LC.

Amazon hatwobble Feb 25, 2022

This. I’m an FEE at AWS.