Misc.Mar 1, 2019

Amazon uninstalled all Oracle yet?

I have been reading about the "banter" between these two companies and that Amazon is working on moving off of Oracle completely. It seems like I haven't heard anything about it recently. Any ideas as to when that will happen? What are they replacing Oracle with? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/23/amazon-move-off-oracle-caused-prime-day-outage-in-warehouse.html

Amazon's move off Oracle caused Prime Day outage in big Ohio warehouse, internal report says
Amazon's move off Oracle caused Prime Day outage in big Ohio warehouse, internal report says
Microsoft Tier 1 Mar 1, 2019

I’m still shocked that amazon isn’t eating its own dogfood

Bloomberg APPTSlayer Mar 1, 2019

removing a database and migrating data somehow manages to drag on until the heat death of the universe

Tableau krxi15 Mar 1, 2019

Ever wondered maybe its just not as good as Oracle’s?