Analog Devices/Maxim Acquisition-Merger

1. When is the Annual focal review @ADI?MXIM: Aug 2. Any recent reorganization @ADI? MXIM: Yes 3. Are we expecting layoffs? 4. Are we expecting pay-cuts? 5. How is the typical Compensation @ADI? Base, Bonus, RSU, ESPP, 401 matching, insurance (single)? MXIM: 90k (RCG), 11%, 5k/yr, 4% match for 5% contribution, $32/month $500 HSA/yr. 6. Any previous Severance experience(LTC) and other things to be prepared for? 7. WFH Status? MXIM: Still WFH. TC: 140k

Analog Devices qkgl83 Apr 10, 2021

I work in ADI Wilmington office and I joined before LTC acquisition. 1. Mar. 2. Yes. 3. ADI already laid off many last year. Maybe more layoffs in overlapped product lines? 4. Unlikely. 5. Base and bonus depend on the level, RSU depends on group and performance. ADI gives 5% 401k to everyone and then matches 100% and 50% for the first and second 2% contribution. In Massachusetts insurance is $4x/biweekly $600HSA/yr. 6. We got more vacation days after merging LTC. 7. Office is always open but not mandatory for everyone to go.

Maxim Integrated HIco77 Apr 15, 2021

Are we expecting any layoffs from Maxim side ?

Maxim Integrated 4337 OP May 4, 2021

Not sure, but the acquisition is expected to complete by the end of May.