
Angular vs React

I am looking to learn one of the two above. I understand that react is a library and angular is more a full framework and it’s not so straightforward. Looking at the two of them angular feels more familiar coming from my background (embedded / backend) but when looking at jobs especially full stack react is much more prevalent. However, when I see react code my brain just can’t figure it out. So does anyone have any insight into which one is better or how to go about understanding react code better? TC:170k

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vfbrewfqwe Apr 25

I have worked with Angular, but nowadays react + nextjs is more popular. Probably you should learn nextjs too.

Boeing FloopThPig OP Apr 25

That’s what I am seeing from job reqs

Google zMu5HiI Apr 25

for jobs definitely react. i had the same frustration trying to switch over from angular to react. it's a pretty different mental model and i feel like react is more "raw" and more javascripty which makes it more alien for backend people -- for example the preferred way to create a component is by using a function that mimics a class instead of declaring a class.

Boeing FloopThPig OP Apr 25

What worked for you to make the adjustment if you did?

Google zMu5HiI Apr 25

just keep doing it lol once you get used to it you'll be fine. its a matter of unfamiliarity not difficulty

Meta bibel Apr 25

Angular is still relevant?

Boeing FloopThPig OP Apr 25

Yeah here’s a decent videos on it: