Tech IndustryJan 20, 2017

Anti Net Neutrality FCC commissioner

So I'm not entirely familiar with this topic but how bad could this end up being? Im pretty worried about this. Will he have power to overturn everything and allow the ISPs to throttle / block our services?

Donald Trump reportedly set to name net neutrality foe Ajit Pai to lead the FCC
Donald Trump reportedly set to name net neutrality foe Ajit Pai to lead the FCC
The Verge
Google nifty15 Jan 21, 2017

before trumps appoint someone to a position, he Googles "opposite of" and then appoints them to that post.

Uber netneutral OP Jan 21, 2017

sounds about right

Uber Sidecar Jan 22, 2017

Various tech companies are bought into not having net neutrality, especially those that provide internet such as Facebook, google, spacex