Any tips to prepare for Snap Front end focused SWE onsite?

I have an L4 onsite coming up, can someone share some insights? The rounds are as follows: - Front-End Coding: I believe this is more JS focused as per the description from recruiter. - Interactivity and Display: This is to design a UI, what kind of micro-app can I expect to design here? I am thinking of using vanillaJS+html/css to work through this. - General Coding: Expecting this to be LC. (1 or 2 questions?) - System Design: Design a scalable web system. Can someone share any insights? Any tips on how to prepare for all the rounds? TIA. 230k, 4.5y #snap #snapinterview #engineering #swe

Amazon i-heart-u May 15, 2022

I'm looking for the same info but there is hardly any on Blind. I have an interview coming up as well.

Nike WuEs73 May 17, 2022

Would expect mostly practical questions related to JS and frameworks instead of LC. Think of the process of designing an app from a front end perspective. Code will probably be expected to run in the editor. Would also come prepared with answers to common behavior questions. Best of luck!

Amazon A🍌S May 17, 2022

The general coding rounds are pure LC

Nike WuEs73 May 17, 2022

I actually didn’t get any LC, but maybe someone else would because they mentioned it’s possible