
Anyone else have a bloated belly until a huge fart deflates the belly back to normal?

As a guy in my 30s, this is happening more and more

100 Participants
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Snap scalarFlow May 3


NVIDIA Llamanvda May 3

Eat fiber

Amazon kindofmid May 3

Fiber causes bloating

Google CGxH76 May 3

I have a huge fart but belly doesn't deflate

Amazon kindofmid May 3

It’s your diet. Are you drinking protein shakes?

PubNub bareindeer May 4

Shouldnt happen with protein shakes too

Amazon kindofmid May 4

Yes, that’s why I was asking

TikTok gringocry May 3

Do you have a SoundCloud?

Amazon Islb28 May 3


Twilio Kdpk44 May 3

Yes! Started after working in tech

Amazon Islb28 May 3

Time to start a fodmap diet

Microsoft lillikoi May 3

u gotta hydrate more, change diet or add fiber so ur bowel movements actually purge all the poo, and get some cardio in

Investment Bank Glinda May 3

Oh no, it is the Friday night shxx posts (literally)

Microsoft adqd May 3

Do you feel any pain, discomfort in the bowel? If so, it may be something that is irritating it. Or protein shake as someone mentioned, but in that case you wouldn’t feel pain and the bloating resolves with passing gas.

Amazon pipppip May 3

It’s called stomach cancer