Misc.May 25, 2018

Anyone with IBS in the Bay Area?

If so, how do you survive being stuck in traffic? Thinking about moving back (interned there a while ago) but I definitely gotta figure out how to handle this first. I mostly used a bike to get everywhere (temp housing was close to work) but still had a few close calls when I had to take Uber/Lyft or a shuttle.

Apple John! May 25, 2018


Salesforce Mr. Brooks May 25, 2018

irritable bowel syndrome

0r4ng3 OP May 25, 2018

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Imagine you're driving, take a turn and suddenly find yourself stuck in traffic. For no reason whatsoever your bowels go from 0 to 100 faster than Elon Musk's personal Tesla Roadster and you have to take the biggest sh*t the universe has ever seen right at this moment and it can't wait. That's IBS for me (symptoms vary, there's no real diagnosis, it's more like "yup, we've run out of tests to run, it's IBS, good luck")

Microsoft Hollycoww May 25, 2018

Side topic. If no starch diet seems working, suspect you have Chrohn’s disease or Ankylosing spondylitis which is autoimmune disease.

0r4ng3 OP May 25, 2018

No Crohn's or anything :/

Microsoft Blandmama May 26, 2018

I have IBS. Did a 12 month remove everything from your diet and start introducing food one at a time. I found that certain oils trigger mine. It was a hell of a time doing the diet. Introduced literally one thing waited a week if noting happened next thing.. and so one. Good luck, it sucks

Amazon 6euB00 May 25, 2018

mesalamine has been really helpful for me, I'm taking lialda and canasa. I'm avoiding coffee, hot chocolate, cereal, ice cream

Amazon 👶lol May 25, 2018

Keep a 5 gallon bucket in the car.

Daimler LvrO26 May 25, 2018

Going vegan helps few

Aon Hewitt Skjgvg May 26, 2018

Was going to say the same and gluten free

0r4ng3 OP May 26, 2018

Neither works for me

Microsoft UdsH08 May 25, 2018

wear a diaper

0r4ng3 OP May 25, 2018

I'd rather not. Besides, it doesn't really help as the mental stress and anxiety is the worst part of it.

Microsoft Blandmama May 26, 2018

And it would not be big enough. :-(

Lending Club sparky3000 May 25, 2018

I had a lot of digestive issues as a kid. And now I eat a strict diet. Same thing over and over again. I think I had ulcers? Just no milk, minimal oil, no processed shit. I have stuck to to this for a while and it works Does Ibs not work like this? The symptoms are not preventable even with really strict diet

0r4ng3 OP May 25, 2018

It's completely random. I can eat the same food for weeks and I'll have good and bad days. It can even hit me when I haven't eaten anything in a while.

Lending Club sparky3000 May 25, 2018

Oh that’s horrible

Microsoft RanknFile May 26, 2018

Oh man I can sympathize. I’ve had for 3 years now. I don’t eat lunch in the afternoon and only eat a little in the evening and night. That helps.

Oath Ljhggb May 26, 2018

I can totally relate. I don’t have IBS but do have Crohns for over 20 years. It’s a constant stress anytime I need to travel anywhere. Traffic, standing in line, being on an airplane. The stress ends up making it worse, which causes even more stress. It’s a terrible cycle. Over time I’ve found strategies that work for me but the stress is always there. I’ve adjusted eating cycles, avoid large meals, get up hours before I need to leave to give plenty of time to get my system cleaned out before leaving. Allow a lot of extra travel time to make stops. Always keep a change of clothes, baby wipes and plastic bags in the car. On more than one occasion I put a plastic bag on the seat go right in the bag. Amazing what you can do even while driving but always tried to pull into a parking lot first. I found once I had a fallback solution the stress lessened and so did number of incidents. Good luck.

Microsoft RanknFile May 26, 2018

Crohns is even worse and stress does it make it worse. Breaking that self-reinforcing cycle by removing stress is one of the most important parts. Glad to hear you are managing it well

Facebook Elpm80 May 26, 2018

Based on the sounds I hear in the FB bathrooms, all my coworkers have this 😨