
Apple PIP

I read Apple has no PIP culture, but don’t know what this means. What happens with under performers then? TC: £290K Yoe: 13

Analog Devices jamuke Apr 21, 2022

They get no refreshers.. or bonus.. so just base pay pretty much

Amazon odcjfoskck Apr 21, 2022

Ppl don't elbow each other to not get fired?

Apple SPwt44 Apr 21, 2022

They get no bonus, raise, or refreshers. And a lot of times get a ton of work sent their way to make them want to leave

Meta OnTheCliff OP Apr 21, 2022

Oh, got it. So basically sort of less money + bullying so they end up leaving :D

Apple TUvO52 Apr 21, 2022

No PiP at apple. They need lots of work force for the number of projects there are. You will be asked to do the same task over and over for years, as long as you keep doing that , even without any innovation/optimization extra bonus tasks, you are good, they like to keep you at Apple.

Apple pulle Apr 21, 2022

People do get pipped. Extremely rare but does happen.

Apple SPwt44 Apr 21, 2022

You have to be truly awful at your job to get PIP’d at apple

Meta OnTheCliff OP Apr 21, 2022

That’s helpful! Thank you