Apple SPG review. Worth joining?

I'm expecting an offer from SPG (Software role, read autonomous tech). Unfortunately, not a lot is known outside the company with regards to state of the technology or the team etc. Would it be wise to jump aboard this ship? #apple Edit: added org within SPG

BlackRock FedPrinter Mar 2, 2021

Offered TC and current TC ?

PWC GdOg86 Mar 2, 2021

Have some friends that work at Apple SPG. Very secretive and private. Usually working on research or exploratory projects. High chance of products never seeing light of day as Apple ID dictates on which products passes. Usually have good and smart coworkers. I guess if you’re more into research and new products it could be a good opportunity.

Anaplan Batman™️2️⃣ Mar 2, 2021

Pros: One of the 3 good orgs at Apple, smart coworkers, reasonably ok comp within Apple(not AI/ML high), interesting swe work (comparatively with other orgs that employ SWEs). Cons: Toxic, heavy handed management, relatively younger management, less impactful work, lesser pay compared to FB/G.

HPE dogDatadog Mar 3, 2021

What are 3 good orgs at Apple ?

Adobe toxicasian Apr 29, 2021

Batman?? What are the 3 orgs?

Adobe Dmvl45 Dec 12, 2021

Hello @Uber. Congrats on your offer. Could you please let me know how did your interview go? I have interviews coming up from SPG. Thank you.