Tech IndustryJan 9, 2020

Apple value on my resume

recently got an offer for EPM from Apple. wanted to know whats the value of the role on resume?

Google Drunk πŸ₯΄ Jan 9, 2020

Adding Apple to your resume in addition to Amazon is like adding insult to injury

Facebook hmm.... Jan 10, 2020

What? He goes from free bananas to good TC and benefits.

Apple ct. Thanos Jan 14, 2020

Google you justify your username

Facebook tAGO84 Jan 9, 2020

I like that it keeps your resume in alphabetical order.

Amazon fjr37a Jan 9, 2020

You already have amazon. Your resume gravitas is established

Oracle NewOracle Jan 9, 2020

EPM at Apple seems a good move

Amazon sde3q1 Jan 9, 2020

Are you a TPM at Amazon?