AWS Strategic Account Manager On-Site Interview

Hello, I just completed my AWS on-site interview/virtual and I am really nervous about the decision. I feel I did well throughout the process, below I'll summarize how the onsite went and based on the interviewers responses, I am curious to know what my chances are: PS: I could not tell who the "Bar Raiser" was... My background: 9 years experience in software sales MBA Bachelor's Degree: Business 1st Interviewer: - It was a Principle Strategic Account Manager, 8 yrs @ AWS. - From another team - Asked ALL behavior based questions. - Asked a few clarifying questions and we talked about our backgrounds. - She gave good responses like "perfect" "you answered that perfectly" "good job" etc. - She seemed pleased with answers and said something like "It was great talking to you, I hope you have a great rest of the day and the hiring manager is able to answer all of your questions pertaining to the role." 2nd Interviewer: - It was a Sales Director, about 4 yrs @ AWS - From another team - Got straight to the point and asked 4 Behavior Questions. - Gave responses like "Great example" "I'm glad to see you did something like that in your role." "Good response" - I feel like I answered these questions pretty smooth. - I asked about 4 questions afterwards and this interview ended about 10 minutes early. 3rd Interviewer: - Another Strategic account manager. - From another team - ALL behavior questions. - Asked about AWS Differentiator and gave me good info on the role and said how "he was in my shoes about 6 years ago when he interviewed at AWS." - He also talked a lot about the culture compared to other tech sales roles. - At first it appeared as though he had an older resume of mine because I apply to AWS about 4 years ago and then he pulled the recent resume. 4th Interviewer: - Strategic account manger, 4 yrs @ AWS - On the same team I'm applying for. - Asked all behavior questions and questions like "How would you explain AWS?" "What's the advantages of cloud computing?" - He gave a good responses it seemed, he told me twice "You answered that question perfectly" and afterwards, he said "I have all I need to make my decision, your almost done, time for you to grab a beer soon." 5th Interviewer: - Hiring Manager - Everything went find but he kept cutting me off asking verifying questions and I sometimes will lose my train of thought. I also had a phone screen with him and it was the same thing and I didn't feel 100% smooth about it but I got passed to the next phase. He told me he had all the data he needed and I also offered to give another example from a behavior question he asked me because I didn't feel it was my strongest answer but he said "its ok, and he had everything he needed. - When we parted ways, he said "I'll talk to you soon." - I interviewed Thursday and today is Monday, no word yet. I really want this opportunity and was curious to know, based on what I typed, what you think my chances are? XHolic Jul 27, 2020

Thanks for outlining your experience. IMHO I think you got all the way through the end and did well with everyone except being shaky with the hiring manager. If the other people give you good feedback - I think you have a good shot.

Salesforce bQOV55 OP Jul 27, 2020

Thanks for the feedback.

Visa 🍈 ade Jul 27, 2020

I can totally understand your anxiety. Been there :) debrief has to happen within 3-5 days and that depends on interviewers availability. To me it sound like you did very well, just be patient for 2-3 more days , you will hear what you want to hear :) all the best!

LA County Internal Services Dept MrDoritos Jan 5, 2022

@ bQOV55 - so what happened? What is the outcome? Love hearing about the stories and processes people have posted on Blind. Hopefully, it worked out and you got an offer.