Are Amazon SDE3 high status engineers

Keep hearing these guys are world class we have several on my org at 5B all are about on par with swe2 skillwise don’t contribute much yet tend to think highly of themselves.

Amazon popololoz Jan 17

SDE3 is more about envisioning project roadmaps and technical blockers related to it, not just code skills

Meta oheol Jan 17

I was an L6 swe at Amazon as well, depends when they were L6. 10 years ago the L6 swes were amazing. Super hard promo, it got easier over time. (I became L6 much more recently (

Amazon gdu65fh Jan 17

My anecdote: 10% - why haven't they made you L7 yet? 50% - solid 20% - you were promoted too soon, but you certainly have the competence to grow into it 20% - how did you ever get to L6 in the first place?

Amazon popololoz Jan 17

10%, 30%, 30%, 30% is my experience lol

Amazon bfuciJdh Jan 17

10, 50, 35, 5 in my experience

Ramp TxjN02 Jan 17

Most of the Uber 5Bs are in the promoted too soon / how did you ever make it L6 buckets mentioned above