Are Cisco and Intel dead forever?

Intel losing to other chip makers! Stocks tanked. Cisco losing to public cloud providers. Stocks tanked.

Mo7apQ Aug 26, 2020

Yes. They're dead

Cisco dhsvsa Aug 26, 2020

A huge chunk of world network traffic still runs of Cisco. Not dead, limping at best

Cisco user33748 Aug 26, 2020

Pretty much all network traffic.. it’s ugly plumbing work but it’s still relevant. Those cloud providers still run off CSCO gear

Cisco Aeolia Aug 26, 2020

Yep Cisco has plateaued like 2 decades ago and it's just been a slow decline since then

Cisco GpBt54 Aug 26, 2020

An epitaph written too soon. The world for you FAANG guys revolve around FAANG. You have no fucking idea what market share and install base Cisco has around the world (very well above trillion). It takes 10 years for a device to start getting obsoleted. Also, it takes few years for a service provider or large enterprise to break even into profits (ROI). You think they’ll just remove and replace them with some tom dick harry equipment? Nearly all, and I mean all US federal system use Cisco equipments including IP phones and routers/switches. Let me give you a perspective: Just top 10 internet service providers in the US must be having more than 200 billion worth of cisco install base. That includes ISPs and mobile service operators. Go figure. Intel is replaceable, cisco is not ( at least not yet)

Cisco dhsvsa Aug 26, 2020

Exactly. I didn't realize this until I joined Cisco. From the outside it feels like there's tons of competitors and Cisco is only a few bad decisions away from doomsday. Not true.

Intel Ari-Gold Aug 26, 2020

Intel is replaceable, cisco is not 😂😂😂 I would like to write a such big paragraph explaining how intel tech dominates too and add “Cisco is replaceable, Intel is not”! C’mon man/woman !

Maury Microwave poBu45 Aug 26, 2020

Both these companies have excellent staff who have spent decades creating path breaking products in their categories. What they need now is a better think tank management that can adapt to the recent changes and get back on track. Many successful companies today were on the brink of extinction decades ago (Apple, Microsoft, IBM) and it was a combination of good leadership and fortune that got them back.

Intel 🐍.py Aug 26, 2020

Well idk if IBM is back but Msft and Apple are, no doubt

Maury Microwave poBu45 Aug 26, 2020

I understand why it would look like that for IBM. I am following IBM for more than 20 years. There were instances where they were written off for computer manufacturing and semiconductor fabrication. But they did well to sell it to Lenovo and Global Foundries. The fact that they were able to come back after that is something many companies in the valley would fail to do.

Cisco sixthsage Aug 26, 2020

They could have done better for sure but that doesn't not mean they are dead..These companies are critical assets in internet eco system and will continue to do so for foreseeable future. Stock prices has nothing to do with underlying value these days its in the cloud 😂 (pun intended for banking junk)

Intel RWeDoomed Aug 26, 2020

I think FAANG being 20% of S&P makes gen x Gen Y feel that is all the world is.... Interesting .. notion is very plausible for the superfluous thinkers. It is a 50 year slow sinking ship to me though

Intel Kaga Aug 26, 2020


Intel Intel2020 Aug 26, 2020

They're getting buried alive

Intel tikitoki Aug 26, 2020

I was long believer in intel but they are dying slowly for sure

Intel uncle_iroh Aug 26, 2020

“Good times become good memories, but bad times become good lessons.” Intel has stumbled like many good companies before them. The important thing is to learn from the mistakes and right the ship. Others may be more plugged in to leadership than I am, but from where I sit I am reasonably optimistic that we will do that.