IndiaMay 8

Are Gujarati people Jewish?

They sure cause the same shit as them šŸ˜‚

49 Participants
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Verizon gcffc May 8

Context please? I know Gujaratis but not enough to get the correlation

Verizon gcffc May 9

Did a Muslim take your girl bro? Weā€™re discussing Gujaratis and Jewish people here

Microsoft jsr1 May 9

Posted the same in the next thread to reply to both of you. Everyone should see your hypocrisy. @gcffc, Why some Hindu/Gujju took your girl? And btw Ayega to Modi hi. šŸ”„

Qualcomm ypqX42 May 8

Wealth or genocide? Please clarify

Verizon gcffc May 8


Microsoft jsr1 May 9

Surely 50 Muslim countries are completely peaceful countries with no terrorism and murder of minorities and oppression of women for the last 1300 years. In addition Osama was only a building contractor hired to bring down the twin towers and ISIS, Hamas, Taliban are peaceful vegetable sellers. Absolutely caused no shit!

FlexTrade Systems blockchai May 8

Gujarathis are all about money. They are ready to sell their soul for money. Family feuds about money are their everyday internal family drama. Jews love money, but they enjoy being a victim. Most truly believe they are superior to everyone else. They are weak hence they use network for strength. There are similarities, but a lot of differences too.

iamsatoshe May 9

So youre on Blind and you dont like money? Its like saying Jews like it when they get good things, lol. So everyone else likes it when bad things happen to them? Ill tell you who really love playing the victim,... palestenians getting what they deserve lol

NVIDIA waopi May 8

Attacking Jewish people because of the actions of the Israeli government is like attacking the Palestinians because of Hamas. You are no better than the one you criticize.

Google Crimzone May 8

Apple to Apple comparison?

Verizon gcffc May 8

There were polls conducted in Israel that said that most Israel Jews (>90%) support the governmentā€™s action. 60% oppose any kind of humanitarian aid in Gaza. The Jews that are against this war are the ones living outside Israel The reason this is important is because it shatters the idea that removing Bibi would solve the problem

Bank of America DeLurker May 9

I'll have whatever this guy is smoking.

Nutanix vJny40 May 9

OP Abdool is neither and jealous!

NetApp mirage2020 May 9

Not sure if Gujarati folks are jewish but jihadii mulle do belong to death cult of pedo popatt pdf file . However you are correct to assume one similarity between those 2 groups..both of them know how to treat Jihadii virus with a proper dosage šŸ˜ Some Europeans (Polland, Hungary) are learning it too ; soon more will join the fight against this brain dead ,violent death cult from desert . Those gullible wanna be leftist students of UK/USA donā€™t know what jihadiis do to women/minorities/non-believersā€¦hope they wake up before jihadii gang infiltrates every part of their society and implement sharia law like it happened in some parts of UK & Sweden.

Apple xfsS25 May 9

What is wrong with Jewish people? They are smart, rich and peaceful. Same for Gujarati.