Misc.Jul 11, 2019

Are hackathons worth it?

Never participated in any, and in the end of July MS is offering a week long hackathon. So I wonder if it's worth joining. What's your experience with them? TC: 230

Microsoft pmsquared Jul 11, 2019

Depends what you want to get out of them? I’ve personally ran multiple in the past. Good networking event, and if your project crushes it and you can get a CVP or EVP sponsor, then it can be great for your career roadmap if you keep in contact with them. But if you just come attend in some of the larger ones and your project is okay, then eh you kinda just have it as an additional checkbox on your resume.

Microsoft 36C OP Jul 11, 2019

People add those to their resumes? Good point on the career path, thanks. I guess for this you have to plan in advance.

Microsoft pmsquared Jul 11, 2019

Occasionally yes. Some roles ask for people who have either ran or participated in hackathons. Mostly partner, customer, or ISV facing roles that may require leading on-site in future.

Lyft yKSs68 Jul 11, 2019

Not sure about Hackathons but a Leetathon would definitely be worth it

Microsoft 36C OP Jul 11, 2019

Those are just part of the routine.

Microsoft 💅🌺js.la. Jul 11, 2019

Three times a week, after brushing and coffee.😂

Oscar 🐨koala Jul 11, 2019


Microsoft 36C OP Jul 11, 2019


sudomeme Jul 11, 2019

I’ve only done them through grad school for $$$. I think external hackathons are more interesting, since you get a chance to work on tech from different industries.

Slalom Consulting Girthy Jul 11, 2019

They are quite fun, great team building, exposure to VP level and typically lead to lots of employee benefit type apps ie we made a mapping app that gets your from desk A to desk B (basic but helpful things). Lots of the bigger winners of our hackathons went on to be included in the backlog. At my gf's company she actually PM'ed the winning group 2 times in a row as a non-PM and it actually netted her a big time PM role so lots of benefits from what I've seen. I've never included anything we did on the resume.