Misc.May 9

Asian Men Being Undesired is a National Security Threat

Asian men finding it hard to find partners in the USA is widespread problem. It is so severe that as many as half of Asian men with great jobs in this country have to look overseas for a wife. This produces depression in Asian males which leads to negative feelings towards this country. When men of low social status with few skills feel upset about a country, they can create trouble in the streets (see the pro-Palestinian protestors wreaking havoc and spreading anti-Semitic hate), but when men with skills and wealth feel unhappy about a country, they can actually tilt the global balance of power. Imagine what would happen when a group of AI experts can't find wives in this country and have to travel to a geopolitical rival to get married. In the long run, this can also lead to racial tension or even separatism right here in California. So, we as a country must find some way to increase female attraction towards Asian men. To some extent this also applies to all STEM men. When you look at white techie men who end up working clandestinely for China, it often is the case that they weren't able to get laid in America. If women reject men with tech skills, then we as a country reject tech at our own peril. Update: many commenters are missing the point of this post. Rather than seeking to find an overseas solution for individual men, the issue is that our society needs a fix.

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

No you aren’t going to get a government appointed girlfriend. Take some personal responsibility

Meta metameat2 May 9

Why not? It's not like the government have better things to do right now

PagerDuty FtruUTc May 10

But transgirl is a different story! Gov will start appoint them soon. Go Biden!

Microsoft tinybigbro May 9

Damn, is it this bad? Prayers up!

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

It’s not bad if you aren’t emotionally stunted

Two Sigma why do it May 9


Amazon lamplightr May 9

Order a bride

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

Don’t subject third world women to this nonsense just because they’re poor. Wait for the sex robots

Meta metaki May 9


Evolution Research Group iYqL23 May 9

Chatgpt ass post

cooriusguy May 9

🤣 try to unlame yourself man. There’s still time

Wayfair datablind2 May 9

“we as a country must find some way to increase female attraction towards Asian men” I think their tech income increases their attraction, right? You mentioned specifically Asian men in tech. Income (and education… competence generally) is a big factor in women’s marriage considerations

Affirm hyfcju May 9

Oh no, some men are finding the women they want overseas

Upstart AOC2024!! May 9

They can go back to India

ex-Apple diehfbd May 9

100% the smell would improve so much if we did that!