
At what net worth do you feel safe?

Currently at 3M net worth but don’t feel safe at all. What’s the number you feel safe with your life? TC: 920k

111 Participants
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DoorDash insiderT May 18

3 mil is plenty for me

Google teekaywoj May 18

Including primary home worth or no? Details matter c'mon

Boardintelligence Pininflour May 18

Rat race !!!! 1000000 millions and you will be just okay

Tesla 🐉⛈ May 18

10m sounds comfy but let’s be real, at 10 u prob want 100 hehe

LinkedIn I am a Cat May 18

I won't feel safe with 1T.

Adobe FXXJ56 May 18

I won't feel safe with 10T. What happens if an asteroid comes and wipes out all life? I need to be able to control the entire world so I can build a sustainable habitat on Mars and ships to get me there

Anduril slma May 18

You can get cancer at anytime

Netflix Catflix🐈 May 18

Feeling has nothing to do with number

Google QaVf77 May 18

I agree that 3M is too little. That's 90k/yr which is good if you're living alone. But if that's for a family of 2+, then it's not enough. I personally think 5M is a good amount for a household, that's 150k/year which is enough for a family of 2-4 people.

Uber AQlq83 May 18

Indians 😒

Meta xD -> -.- May 18

What’s the point of living if you keep living with that fear. Most Americans don’t have that much and they’re doing fine.