Avg Comp for ServiceNow Staff eng (IC4)?

Recruiter ask me about my expectation of what number should be in base/stock/bonus ? This is a remote position. Could someone share some objective info so I could negotiate with them? Thank you very much. My current comp is about 200k T3-3 in SAP... and I know sap pays relatively slower in market.

ServiceNow Osirb63vs5 Jun 27, 2022

Dont mention any numbers and always make them give you something first. You can always ask for what the ranges are they usually offer candidates. Servicenow doesn't really do sign on bonuses unless you have some competing offers That said I am in a hcol market and tc is 220ish for ic3. I would expect ic4 to be 310+ for tc

SAP enix OP Jun 27, 2022

Thank you. Will do. That's good points. How about location wise? I'm not in SF or bay area. Will that change a lot....?

ServiceNow Osirb63vs5 Jun 27, 2022

Yes usually they pay based on location for remote. If you are in a lcol or mcol then it will be slightly lower unfortunately

Qualtrics udibekfjk Jun 27, 2022

Service now is pretty shitty in terms of TC. My recruiter call ended when they told me that the TC is about 60% of what I make here.

usrnme99 Jun 27, 2022

Current role? IC5 range $200-350k here. Nontech.

SAP jfYd28 Jun 28, 2022

Low 300s

SAP enix OP Jun 28, 2022

I look at levels fyi... I assume those data are pretty accurate? Are you in CA ? I think locations may big difference?

SAP 1238675309 Jun 29, 2022

Are you in Seattle or elsewhere in US?

SAP enix OP Jun 30, 2022

No...I'm in Minneapolis. So I think it would be less but still more than my current comp.

SAP 1238675309 Jun 30, 2022

$200k for a T3 in Eden Prairie isn't bad. I assume you get RSUs on top of that some years?

SAP enix OP Jul 14, 2022

Updated -- Got an offer with 285K TC. I feel it's pretty decent in the city I live....with remote

SAP 1238675309 Jul 14, 2022

Congrats, that's a very good offer for MCOL

SAP enix OP Jul 14, 2022

Thank you. One thing I learned is I should keep myself ready for interviews because who knows what would happen next.