
HubSpot Rejection: Struggling with Disappointment

Recently, I experienced a setback in my job search journey. Despite giving my all in the interviews, I didn’t receive the offer from HubSpot for the SSE1 position. I almost spent more than a month completely dedicated for this. It’s been tough to process, especially after receiving positive feedback from the recruiter and feeling confident about the opportunity. Eventhough my final behavioral round went well, I somehow believe that the HM round itself could be the reason. Despite my efforts, I’m struggling to land interviews elsewhere in this tough job market. Just needed to share my frustrations; I know it’s not the end of the world, but it’s hard not to regret on what went wrong. Trying to stay strong and keep moving forward. TC: 150K YOE: 8 Solved 300+ Leetcode questions but still struggling with DP and some medium and hard problems. #engineering #swe #tech

Workday c bi Apr 12

You type in a very robotic manner

CharterUP gIaKs72 Apr 12

Great punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and use of conjunctions. Would you expect any less from someone whose job is to type words into a computer in a highly detailed manner?

radmkkk OP Apr 12

Regardless I updated the post to make it further simpler.

Qualtrics aimhi Apr 12

How did your design round go?

radmkkk OP Apr 12

Both system design went well, got strong positive feedback.

Hubspot grffn Apr 12

Sorry it didn't work out brother, but you'll land something good soon enough! Maybe talk to a career coach who can help with some of the soft skills assessments and give you direct, honest feedback.

radmkkk OP Apr 12

Thanks, yeah I did spent lot of time on my behavioral skills, but I guess I still need lot more practice.

American Express believInU Apr 12

Sorry it didnt work out. You will find something good soon. Hubspot puts lot of focus on behavioral skills. Probably your answers were not upto the match in that round. Can you provide details on coding and system design round? Can I dm you?

Hubspot 🍄shroomin Apr 12

You can always try again later

radmkkk OP Apr 12

Whats the usual cooloff period?

Hubspot 🍄shroomin Apr 13

Not sure but I got in on my second attempt after a little less than a year

helluvaguy Apr 13

For behavioral, I had great results prepping with this deck, pretty cool concept https://a.co/d/e3XV3mp

radmkkk OP Apr 13

Thanks for sharing the link, the deck seems to be useful. How did you practice using the deck? Yourself or using some help?

helluvaguy Apr 14

No worries. I like the idea of shuffling the deck because it prepared to better cope with the idea of randomness, which, to me at least, is intimidating and generates anxiety. I practiced by myself, but a friend is using it with a group as they do mock interviews and pick a question each.

Hubspot Bidenballz Apr 13

Honestly sometimes it’s just down to luck, especially for those really competitive roles like entry level SWE and SWE1. That time learning isn’t wasted and is probably a really good skill to keep developing. IMO the people who have the longest careers are the ones who handle moments like these as just temporary bumps and keep on trying and moving forward :)

radmkkk OP Apr 14

Yeah totally agree, mosttimes luck also plays a major role I guess, so just have wait for the day.

Hubspot cjebrhxyah Apr 14

Try not to overthink it. As others said luck likely played a factor. You don't know how many folks you were competing against. It literally could have come down to you and someone else had perfect interviews and resumes and they had to make a hard decision based on something more trivial that gave the other person a small leg up.

radmkkk OP Apr 14

Yeah you are right the competition is pretty intense right now.

Hubspot noobspot Apr 14

Do not think that you weren’t good enough. Just try again later in the future. To put the competition in perspective, a recruiter mentioned that they receive over 40k apps for each entry level position or student internships/co-ops. Then they finally end up interviewing with a few hundred people to offer the role to number of folks in single digits. Needless to say, the competition is far more extreme than the fault of any candidates and boils down to sheer luck at the end.

Vqjj41 Apr 14

Which team were you applying for ? Dm me I went through hubs recently

please:) Apr 16

‘ Misery loves company ‘ ! If it makes you feel better , same experience with the same company for the same role :( . My interviews were great , behavioural went really well as well , but rejected :) also I really doubt if they have open roles , as they have so many candidates on the team matching phase , feels like they are just window shopping for candidates .

Hubspot Bidenballz Apr 17

It’s a massive waste of time and money to interview candidates if we aren’t serious about, I promise HubSpot wouldn’t make 4 engineers go and do an interview unless they seriously considering a candidate 😜

Liberty Mutual Insurance squabble! 4d

^ dm?