
Avoid handshake

Got a rejection email saying my background wasn't a strong match despite doing the same job at the same level for the last 5 years with mostly the same technologies they listed. There are no qualified candidates my ass.

Deloitte ytu65g May 2

They hired someone else and had the courage not to ghost you, could be worse

BcBk42 OP May 2

That isn't courage. They also could just say the position was filled like a normal company ...

Wells Fargo RekkedToad May 2

OP, do you take your ball and go home when the other kids are mean to you on the playground too? You got a boilerplate rejection. No one owes you any response much less one tailored to you specifically. All you butt-hurt snowflakes who have lived on Participation Medals since birth get the tiniest exposure to real life and have to cry about it. You should really bring this up with your therapist in one of your twice weekly sessions so you can feel safe again.

BcBk42 OP May 2

Lol. Go back to your maga circle jerk.