Salary Range of Calix for Software Engineer-Cloud Data Pipeline

What salary range does Calix Bangalore provide to Software Engineers with 3 years of Experience? CCTC: 12 LPA. But I have an offer of 16 LPA in my hometown. What should I quote as my expected CTC considering the rent and other expenses in Bangalore? #calix #bangalore #Data

Chegg fQOw44 Apr 21

5 lpa

Clarivate Analytics Uoxb52 OP Apr 21

did you miss a digit there?

Cloudaeon खुश मिज़ाज Apr 22

20 or go for a hometown offer 🫴🏻

Clarivate Analytics Uoxb52 OP Apr 23

Yeah, I mentioned 20 as fixed atleast... and HR didn't try to negotiate. Let's see what she comes up with.