Fubo tv compensation

What is the TC range for senior and staff software engineers at Fubo? #fubotv

fuboTV hhdw84 Feb 5, 2022

There are not many staff engineers, we don’t really hire staff engineers. But for senior engineers with 5-10 yoe, you may ask for 200k base, 25k bonus, and 50k RSU.

Bloomberg HollyHO OP Feb 5, 2022

Thanks a lot. so what is the range for staff when a senior gets promoted.

fuboTV hhdw84 Feb 5, 2022

240k, 15% bonus, 100k/yr RSU, I’m just guessing. We have VP of Eng who also has staff engineer title, so it is wide open.

fuboTV mugg62 Feb 5, 2022

Why do you want to leave BB to join Fubo? Check our stock price first then think twice.

Bloomberg HollyHO OP Feb 5, 2022

Yeah just exploring :)

HPE wildcato Feb 5, 2022

Will fubo go back up again to like $20+ ?

fuboTV millymilly Feb 12, 2022

What's your TC and YOE?

fuboTV millymilly Feb 12, 2022

I think Fubo has a great WLB and you can be permanent remote. The work is interesting too.The base is not bad as well for software engineers. The area where we could do better is RSU Grant.

Reddit fULg37 Feb 14, 2022

For remote employees, will the salary be adjusted?

fuboTV millymilly Feb 16, 2022

It was flat policy so far but it may change.

fuboTV mugg62 Feb 18, 2022

They don’t really consider location when making offers, but you always need competing offers from other companies. Remote candidates from lower TC areas will more likely accept their low ball offer, if they don’t have competing offers. Be cautious about the RSU grant. Fubo will offer you (for example) “100k” RSU for $30 per share, but it worths only 26k because our stock is in fact $8 per share

fuboTV millymilly Feb 18, 2022

RSU Grant is based on the VVAP price of the stock. If it's 10 usd and they give you 100k usd worth, the units will be 100k/10 for 4 years. The dollars worth at the time of the offer is important, the stock of the price is not.

fuboTV mugg62 Feb 18, 2022

Do you really think so? That’s almost 3 times more stock units if people are offered a fixed dollar amount, 100k/$8 vs 100k/$30.

Reddit fULg37 Feb 21, 2022

R u guys confident on the stock?

fuboTV HUgi77 Feb 23, 2022

We are not even confident on keeping our jobs

fuboTV HUgi77 Feb 23, 2022

Startups are laying off people. Two hot startups that reached out to me last year just laid off a lot of people, one is Peloton, the other is Hopin. The recruiter from Hopin was very proud of how the company raised $450m last year, and how he helped growing the company from just 20 people to 1k people in less than 2 years, but now what happens?

Reddit fULg37 Mar 2, 2022

Is fubo considering laying off pp to reduce cost?

fuboTV mugg62 Mar 3, 2022

So far we are safe.

Reddit fULg37 Mar 3, 2022

Hmm, I feel it's a pretty good time to join given the recent corrections. Wdyt?

Reddit fULg37 Mar 5, 2022

Seriously considering

Reddit fULg37 Apr 2, 2022

Hey, any update on the gaming business?

fuboTV mugg62 Apr 2, 2022

The general manager of the gaming business (he is also a co-founder) just left the company

Reddit fULg37 Apr 2, 2022

Gaming is dead?