Misc.Oct 25, 2021

Dave Chapelle LGBTQ

Ok so in the special he clearly explains he has nothing against trans people and also had made a good friend who was trans So.. what’s the big deal about this? Folks at Netflix just don’t wanna work so walk out?

Financial Services Company fangMan6 Oct 25, 2021

Wonder if Dave cares if someone says some racist shit then goes “I have a black friend”

Amazon Leetin2 OP Oct 25, 2021

Saying it on stage != saying it out in the world It’s his job to elicit reaction and be funny on a stage

Financial Services Company fangMan6 Oct 25, 2021

and he wasn’t funny? also saying it on stage is much worse, look how many bigots following what he said

Apple puhX87 Oct 25, 2021

I have a black friend and an Asian wife. So I can’t be racist

JPMorgan Chase jjgffcvbnn Oct 27, 2021

What did Dave say that was incorrect?

Booz Allen Hamilton CBmQ61 Oct 25, 2021

LGBTQ are known to be overly sensitive and maintain a victim mentality. Any form of a joke is interpreted as calling a genocide on their existence.

Uber gtz960 Oct 25, 2021

I am sure we have no reasons to be sensitive. It's not like we were being killed for being different, and not that we still are being killed in many places. Or that we weren't fired without cause. Or discriminated against. Pretty sure families didn't kick out kids for being gay... You are so smart and compassionate.

HP NjhQ72 Oct 25, 2021

Comparing the plight of LGBTQ to say that of the Holocaust is a gross mischaracterization. While you didn’t specifically say this, there have been some outlets quoting the LGBTQ community as making such comparisons. The comparison is dangerous and wrong. Comparing true systemic murder to less than 1000 incidents a year is so unbelievably wrong.

👻 ghosted Oct 25, 2021

LGBTQ are snowflakes ❄️

Credit Karma b8zs Oct 25, 2021

Folks that can’t leave LGBTQ people alone are snowflakes.

Slalom Consulting windyc Oct 25, 2021

You're not allowed to make jokes in progressive America (unless at the expense of white males).

Financial Services Company fangMan6 Oct 25, 2021

white males are so oppressed you are correct 🤣

The Climate Corporation TSTk67 Oct 25, 2021

Yes regardless of the topic, snowflake white guys always cry victim

The Climate Corporation TSTk67 Oct 25, 2021

I see people drawing parallels between "I have a black friend" and Dave didn't watch the special... He didn't just say "I have a trans friend" and leave it at that, the message was much more than that

Microsoft anoncow1 Oct 25, 2021

Yeah, there's a big difference between "I have a trans friend" and "I have a trans friend...whom you assholes bullied into suicide", which people are willfully ignoring.

Credit Karma b8zs Oct 25, 2021

Trans folks face enough hate and violence. They don’t need cishet comedians providing cover for more bigotry and violence. The counter protesters at Netflix weren’t waving #TeamTERF signs out of love.

The Climate Corporation TSTk67 Oct 25, 2021

Wow a comedian uses TERF and you take it literally...

Credit Karma b8zs Oct 25, 2021

The counter protesters sure did.

BNY Mellon Mypq48 Oct 25, 2021

Dave knew exactly what he was doing here. If it wasn't for this blow up the big takeaway from his special would have been how boring and unoriginal it was.

Microsoft 🥜☕️🤡 Oct 26, 2021

He is also planning on releasing a documentary soon, this is his way of drumming up publicity for that

Flexport FFwd<< Oct 25, 2021

A key point Chappelle raised was about the rapper DeBaby, who shot and killed a black man at a Walmart, and nothing happened to his career. Yet someone could have made a mean-spirited tweet as a teenager or early 20-something and have their life & career ruined. Which lives matter, again?

The Climate Corporation TSTk67 Oct 25, 2021

Yes, it's A OK to use literal black people's deaths to enhance the "validity" of our entertainment ("street cred") but God forbid you don't recognize Caitlin Jenner as a woman or suggest that dwayne wade should hold off on giving hormones to his kid until they get older

Credit Karma b8zs Oct 25, 2021

Why would something happen to someone’s career for defending their family from a robber with a gun? The comparison doesn’t even make sense.

Bloomberg antiTaxer Oct 25, 2021
