GitHub or GitLab?

Which would you choose to start a new project and why? #git

180 Participants
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Lyft data drive Dec 20, 2020

Make this a poll

Google bad°b0y^ Dec 20, 2020

Hub before Microsoft bought them. Been using Lab ever since then

Amazon AWS-Engr Dec 20, 2020

How come you switched?

yudu Dec 20, 2020

What are the pros and cons of each? I think GitHub profile is more useful as a new grad or junior? Can we share a Gitlab profile instead?

Salesforce wjxl86 Dec 20, 2020

Hub is much more popular. Lab is more feature-rich out of the box.

GitHub yUvF24 Dec 20, 2020

I’d choose GitHub

Box Njkq88 Dec 20, 2020

Github for any open source product. But if probably use gitlab for startups.

Splunk frzoale53 Dec 9, 2023

GitHub actions of course