Tech IndustryOct 15, 2021

HCL SWE new grad pay

I'm currently interning with HCL because I procrastinated my internship search like an idiot. I'm pretty confident that I'll get a full time offer. HCL is not exactly my dream company (big surprise), but it's nice to have the security of having a secure opportunity. I'm just wondering what HCL tends to pay new grads. Glassdoor is hard to take seriously, and there's not a lot of info on If anyone has any info on likely new grad salary, I'd appreciate it. TC: It's technically a stiped that works out to about 20$/hr - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
HCL UXwJ84 Jan 26, 2022

Did you ever find out about the new grad pay? Also just got an internship with them with a stipend, wondering what the offers are looking like