Misc.Feb 18, 2022

Meetup in Austin?

Moved here from CA. Hard to create a social circle from scratch. Anyone wants to go grab a beer or something?

Dell SWE@gym Feb 18, 2022

Lets see you last atleast a summer. Hope you're enjoying the wild temp swings. 78 and 26 in the same week.

Uber yaso OP Feb 18, 2022

Weather is no problem. Population density is…

Salesforce PbuJ43 Feb 18, 2022

Can I DM you as I’m moving to Austin in 2 months. Have couple of questions

Uber yaso OP Feb 18, 2022

Yes sure

Charter suburb Feb 18, 2022

Moving to Austin next week

Uber yaso OP Feb 18, 2022


Ericsson Badik Feb 18, 2022

Just moved there too

Microsoft eFfX78 Feb 18, 2022

This thread is why you suffer population density

goalFANG Feb 18, 2022

There is discord group and meetup planned already on the server. [Blind] Check out this post! In DFW or Austin and looking to meet folks? Join our discord server! (Misc.) https://us.teamblind.com/s/pOx7wTW0

Dropbox Dripbox🔥🔥🔥 Feb 18, 2022

Yes DM me

Salesforce PbuJ43 Feb 18, 2022

Planning to move to Austin from Bay Area. 1. What is the cheapest way to move household items and cars 2. My house will be ready in September so it worth moving now and seeing the construction or just move in September ?

IGT zyxel Feb 18, 2022

1. Pack everything youself/wrap furniture in thick shrink wrap. Rent big truck from Uhaul/Penske (Penske was cheaper 3+ years ago). Hire loaders/mover guys to load your truck and secure cargo inside. Professionals do it fast and they stack your shit like Tetris. If you have 2 cars, also get 4 wheel trailer/dolly and pull one car behind truck and make spouse drive another car in front of you(rental box truck lights suck, ours also had burned out driver side bulb). Once you get to destination, hire couple moving folks again to unload your truck for you(obliviously schedule ahead of time, like next day after arrival, just in case. Just pull mattresses out to sleep on first night, or get hotel). (About $200 for each load/unload 3 years ago, 2 bedroom apt worth of crap) 2. Heh, you are 100% sure it will be ready in Sept? I hear delay are still there in supply chain. Latest I heard - Windows and HVAC equipment. Another option- rent a moving pod. They ship container pod from driveway to driveway. You load it and they will deliver it after you called them to pick it up. Little bit more expensive than chepo method above, but less hustle. Driving 26 foot box truck with trailer behind while having shitty brakes and acceleration of a turtle is not a joke. (Almost got in accident couple of times because of shitty brakes)

Indeed l5Hh Feb 20, 2022

What part of Austin are you moving to?

Meta ScEj06 Feb 18, 2022

Planning to move to Austin from Bay Area around July time frame. Do anyone from here stay in Traviso ?

IGT zyxel Feb 18, 2022

You like it toasty, don’t you? :)

Dell SWE@gym Feb 18, 2022

July (?). You know its going be 102 in August at 9a