Tech IndustryDec 24, 2020

Niantic interview process

I got a ref for Niantic for a swe position, what sort of questions can I expect? what does the interview process look like during covid?

Sony thebig3 Dec 24, 2020

Leetcode mediums. Maybe a LeetCode hard. Before Covid, I had a phone screen, then 2 coding interviews onsite, then an on-site meeting with a Director where we talked about projects I had worked on and some behavioral questions. I'm assuming covid would just make all of the interviews virtual

Nike MmTR64 OP Dec 26, 2020

ty, DP? I hear its mostly trees. I take it you didn't get an offer?

Sony thebig3 Dec 26, 2020

There was no DP. I got asked string questions and a graph question. I got an offer, but I turned it down

Meta kickit100 Apr 11, 2022

Multiple interviews, several were mis scheduled, met with all the interviewers, completely ghosted. I have 10+ years experience. Egregious.