Barely working

first 2 years at this company was an absolute slog, with extreme unresonable deadlines and politics. Now all of a sudden I am SME of an area and work consists of just providing info to colleagues, minor amount of code, code reviews, architecture guidance, meetings. I only work 4 hours per day now but still accomplish more than I used to with 8-12 per day. Manager is new so doesnt know enough to really know how much work im doing. Im feeling quite guilty about this. Should I be going and finding new mess to get involved in, that will fill up the other 4 hours? I feel like im getting my time back after slaving away to get my former manager promoted by delivering projects with unreasonable demands. But my work ethic, my internal drive, says dont slack off, someone wil lfind out and karma will catch up with you. Meanwhile I am finally getting time to exercise and soend time with friends and fmaily. I am in the best shape of my life with low BMI, and Im building new skills, reading a lot of architectures of other systems.

VMware gmeed Jan 3

TC? You are minting money with that stock growth. Enjoy

Palo Alto Networks Nutbut OP Jan 3

curently 440 but only because of RSUs. The stock has done well. I get peanuts otherwise. Im a pretty bad engineer, just have a lot of YoE and dont care much to play politics and fight for the best projects. I dont deserve this TC. Im in constant state of burn out and this is the first time ive relaxed at work in almost 10 years. i just dont know how to feel about it

VMware gmeed Jan 3

Are you PE or Sr Staff? You are taking things too seriously. Chill

ByteDance I Want Out Jan 3

I wouldn’t say anything. Not your problem. Take advantage while you can because your employer certainly took advantage of you and your time while they could.

Google AllTheGoog Jan 3

Spend your time on self improvement - benefits you and your team. Maybe tech, maybe soft skills.

Synopsys vipers Jan 3

As long as feedback is good, I'd keep quiet. If you see an interesting problem or something you could learn from... Then maybe grab something more.

Snowflake nVIR00 Jan 5

Be logical about it, don’t let your skill atrophy, but take advantage of the flexibility. I wish I had time to get in shape