
Bay area tax accountant recommendation

I think I have a pretty cookie cutter techie financial situation (mostly salary, 1099s, RSUs, DAF, no home, etc) but would still like a tax professional to handle things. I've done it before in the past and also paid someone $1200 to do it too (way too much, right?) Does anyone in a similar situation have a positive recommendation for an accountant in SF that isn't too expensive?

Yelp 1111111110 Oct 25, 2018

That is way too much (3x) unless they were really sketchy and got you a lot of money back by “bending the truth” on your taxes.

Google DpxM12 OP Oct 25, 2018

Agreed! Nothing shady, just went with an $$$ firm

SAP Ftrssxwadf Oct 25, 2018

Don’t like turbo tax? I think it’s exactly for cookie cutter situations