
Alarming, Ransomware

Had a friend in this space indicate we will see more of this. How often does this actually happen where funds are wired this way?,WIRED

Hackers Behind the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack Just Received a $22 Million Payment
Hackers Behind the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack Just Received a $22 Million Payment
Apple fletcher9 Mar 4

This is affecting almost all consumers for the past week and folks are unable to access medication and run their savings coupons. Almost 90% of pharmacies depend on this one platform wholly owned by UHC and there’s no fix in sight. I don’t know why FTC wouldn’t focus on these too big to fail firms than fighting losing battles for flashy headlines.

Google Goоgle Mar 4

Why not send a few hit squads after the hackers? Could send some chilling messages.