Tech IndustryJul 30, 2019

Behavioral interview preparation

I failed in a behavioral interview with a manager in Audible. I interviewed for a software engineer position. Can someone help me for an hour on how to answer in behavioral interviews? I can pay them, or donate to a charity of their choice.

Facebook lkj630 Jul 30, 2019

What did they say you failed on?

Microsoft wat🤯 Jul 30, 2019

Have solid stories for these 5 categories and tweak these answers for any behavioral questions asked. You should be fine. 1. Leadership/ influence 2. Teamwork 3. Successes 4. Failures & Mistakes 5. Challenges

Expedia Group oytI85 Jul 30, 2019

dm me. Not a professional interview coach, but I’d be happy to help.

Bausch Health healthbose Oct 12, 2020

Can I DM you as well?

Activision Blizzard 86753on Jul 30, 2019

They told you which interview you failed or are you assuming it was that one because you are confident in your coding answers?

Amazon $3 Jul 30, 2019

It’s mostly good for sociopaths But you can fake it till you make it

Twitch needsmemes Oct 17, 2019

Did you use STAR?

Activision Blizzard 86753on Oct 18, 2019

Like memes mentioned, use STAR. Write them down and practice them. There are lists of categories (for example Amazon’s LPs but there are many better lists) to help you identify your stories. You can have one story that works for multiple categories.