
Behind for my age?

Hey guys this is Donald. The Donald. Just wanted your honest opinion as I just turned 74. 1. 100M+ in various highrises, golf courses, commercial developments 2. 40M in stonks (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft) 3. -400M in debt to Deutsche Bank 4. Being sued by some other people I stiffed on payments for another 400M I thought I was doing well but I feel like I’m falling behind my peers lately. Will I be ok when I hit Biden's age? I want honest opinions. TC about to be 0k in a week.

Microsoft Vbsm66 Jan 13, 2021

Sounds like you need to FIRE immediately

Microsoft fetlife Jan 13, 2021

Do you live in a house?

Google Eybx18 Jan 13, 2021

Don't worry. The guy who had your job before you has made tens of millions of dollars on book deals alone in the last four years. At least a fourth of the country find you extremely entertaining. Lay low for a year, then get a reality TV show. If you can get everyone who likes you to give you 10$, you will have about a billion dollars. A book deal and advertising revenue on a TV program should get you more that 10$ per viewer. Don't worry about the haters. They claim every republican is worse than Satan while they are in office. Once you exit, they will talk about how great you were compared to the current crop of republicans running for office. It happened to Regan, it happened to both Bushes, and it will happen to you.

Geico JKoy15 Jan 13, 2021

What about Melania?

Rubrik scaledata Jan 13, 2021

Donald, dont worry about tc hitting zero in a week. you have benefits for life.

Microsoft purre Jan 13, 2021

Donald you need to LC.

TechStyle Fashion Group 🍌PBJTime🍌 Jan 13, 2021

That's a lot of debt, but don't worry about it. As long you have your health, a full head of hair and a good tan you should be good 👍

Oracle ISOV26 Jan 13, 2021

Donald has found his way to Blind after being banned from everywhere else in the world.