Best / Cheesiest SWE Recruiting Emails

Please post your favorite email subject lines and company name if it’s relevant. Creativity counts! Here’s a few I’ve seen (from best to 🧀) — 1/ “Alexa, find me a Software Engineer” 2/ “Whatsapp, {firstname}” 3/ “AWS vs Oracle Cloud // LA Hiring Event // Software Engineers Needed” 4/ “You and your impressive background...” 5/ “Technical Hottness?! I have the perfect role for you 😏”

Juniper Augus Aug 2, 2020

Your uber is here to pick you up.

Microsoft sbCX72 Aug 2, 2020

"Talk nerdy to me"

Roku TC-GTGO Aug 2, 2020

“Double TC in 30minutes”

Facebook Ajna Aug 2, 2020

Subject mentioning JavaScript and inside the JD is about Java or the other way around.