Best Company for SWE

What’s the BEST company for Software Engineers to work for - considering work-life-balance and compensation?

46 Participants
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Microsoft Akaela May 10


oScx21 May 10

I’m supporting that, they are so prestigious that didn’t even call me for interview

SAP abgrw42 May 10


SAP unoka May 10


Block onepager 🫡 May 10

Walmart. I’ve never seen anyone get fired, the work is boring, just sit there and deliver slowly forever.

Meta gsone May 10

Platforms platforms platforms

KNII52 May 10

None. Build income streams without having a boss. Life is too short.

Taylor Farms Muut May 10


Amazon rto-6-days May 10

Yeah what are your income streams that don't include a boss?

Amazon rto-6-days May 10

Ford or GM ain't it?

Ford Motor Company AI-Engine OP May 10

Ford is good for WLB, but not compensation-wise!