Best option to open an HYSA

Hey! Wanna open an HYSA but unsure about what company is the best option. Right now I have: - Marcus: actual rate is 3.3%. And they have an offer of an extra 1% for 3 months. Insurance up to 25k - Wealthfront: actual rate 3.8%. Insurance up to 2M - Ally: actual rate 3.3%. Not sure about the insurance part. Any recommendations?? TC: 90k YOE: 1.5

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Atlassian 1ofus Jan 16, 2023

Assuming that no more rate hikes happen.

Amazon triager Jan 16, 2023

Just open Juno checking. It has 5% rate deposited in your account monthly. FDIC insured up to $250K.

Amazon dMPj03 Jan 16, 2023

Or no penalty CD at 4.1% with CIT Bank.

Ericsson bbgX86 Feb 7, 2023

How is your experience with CIT as I have read very bad reviews for this? Pls suggest.

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