FitnessNov 4, 2021

Best resources for upper body and core

I've been a long distance triathlete for few years now. On and off been incorparinf weight training. Recently I have been focusing on upper body and core weight training - 5d x 1hr along with running long distances 6d/week. Would you be able to recommend resources - videos, courses, books to help build up - chest, abs, tri, back, biceps while keeping the running at full swing. Im already seeing decent gains but in the past I have hit plateaus trying to get low heart rate running and weight training - not able to bulk up muscle. Any and all suggestions welcome! #diet #weights #running

Relias thufir Nov 4, 2021


Bloomberg Leopardo OP Nov 4, 2021

What is that?

Relias thufir Nov 4, 2021

Human growth hormone

Amazon RealHumaN2 Nov 4, 2021

Just lift. If you feel the need for a program do 5/3/1 or gzcl or something. Don't do SS or anything else that just has you repeat 5s

Bloomberg Leopardo OP Nov 4, 2021

I need to Google all these acronyms! I just follow - hazfit videos for now. I'm not doing anything lower body since the running hills piece does it for me

Amazon RealHumaN2 Nov 4, 2021

Honestly if you work hard and eat enough + enough protein there's no wrong way to go.

Capital One zxcadf Nov 4, 2021

Want to try calisthenics? I really enjoy it.

Bloomberg Leopardo OP Nov 4, 2021

Just googled - so thats what it's called! Yeah I love monkey bars - love doing those. Toes to bar and rotations. I will explore more on this - I love the bats TBh!

Amazon RealHumaN2 Nov 4, 2021

Can't go wrong with a shit ton of pullups and dips

Rackspace ops-to-dev Nov 4, 2021

Starting Strength Or really any powerlifting regimen. It’ll have squats in it, which isn’t what you’re explicitly looking for, but do them anyway. Deadlifts are great for getting your body used to heavy weight. Finish up with some high volume work before heading out the door. Squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench (incline slightly preferable) Dips, pull-ups. Barbell rows, chest flyes, lateral raises. Focus on progression on the compound movements and you’ll get both stronger and bulk up. High reps (8-12 ish) promotes more muscle gains Lower reps (1-6 ish) promote more strength gains (your muscles grow denser faster than they grow larger and your central nervous system learns to utilize your muscles more)

Under Armour zfk60 Nov 5, 2021

Squats, Deadlifts and eat more -- next.