Best teams @Twitter

Title says it all. Priorities: 1. WLB 2. Growth 3. Learning 4. Visibility My background: 1. Backend developer, Docker/kubernetes, Golang/Java, Elasticsearch/Kafka 2. Happy to learn something new. 3. Friendly and approachable. Leaning towards Search Infra. I feel PIE is similar to DevOps. I need to pick a team before I can start interviewing with them. Help me pick one. #engineering #software #swe #interview

31 Participants
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Amazon zhang69 Apr 12, 2021

If it's anything like amazon, I would guess you want dynamic instrumentation team since the customer will be internal. Unrelated, but I got banned from twitter due to a bot (or person) misunderstanding my (admittedly opaque) tweet. I haven't gotten a response to my appeal in weeks. If anyone at Twitter wanted to help me out that would be appreciated!

Cisco jsdn OP Apr 12, 2021

Is it better to work on internal products? I don’t have a clue in this regard. Enlighten me.

Amazon zhang69 Apr 12, 2021

Wlb is typically better when you're not working to hit deadlines communicated to external customers, but that's not Twitter specific

Capital One offtofaang Apr 12, 2021


Twitter Lilik Apr 12, 2021

Lol no

Cisco jsdn OP Apr 12, 2021

What am I missing?

Twitter kooperw Apr 12, 2021

Conservative censorship team

Google big pp Apr 12, 2021

Twitter bad.