
Why didn't Google make chatGPT first ?

Especially given their first move advantage in developing the transformer architecture, chatGPT 's ancestor model. They also had a far larger budget than openAI and access to a better talent pool. Not to mention a better pool of data. All the stars are aligned for them, but some how openAI overtake them. And Google had to play copycat instead of being the trend setter. What do you think it's the reason Google fall behind in research?

IBM o7🫡 Feb 22

Because it disrupts their core revenue stream (Search)

Meta cooIguy Feb 22

Too big to succeed

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DoorDash a12345678a Feb 22

Actually the AI research org has very few Indians

Bloomberg RedRomeo28 OP Feb 22

With Google's lawyer army, I doubt they care about getting sued. Besides most midsize to large cap get sue constantly. So I doubt that's the limiting factor

Verizon uBDd43 Feb 22


JPMorgan Chase FbYd88 Feb 22

Good question. Many have wondered about the same thing.

DoorDash a12345678a Feb 22

Google research was focused on placating academic types. Open AI was focused on shipping product.

Databricks doomsday_ Feb 22

They will be the next Meta scandal if they don’t handle them right

Shopify oliveoil2 Feb 22

Because it wouldn't have got anyone a promotion. Or at least nobody could see how to build one and get a promotion for it. Or maybe because Search prints money for them - who needs search when you can have a bot just tell you the answer you're looking for?

dogfoodie Feb 22

You know ChatGPT wasn't intended to be a product originally. It was just a demo of the underlying foundation model. OpenAI stumbled into success just as much as Google flubbed their advantage.

Splunk NoBadTouch Feb 22

Bard is such crap, google clearly has a middle management problem