Tech IndustryJul 27, 2020

Bizops vs. Analytics at Stripe?

Two roles caught my eye that may be potentially a good fit for my background: Data Analyst, Payments and Business Operations. Any thoughts on how these two roles compare in terms of comp, impact and career progression (esp moving into product)? Realize that this will probably be a TC downgrade, but I’m extremely bullish on Stripe and could see myself trying to move into product there eventually. 2 YOE, TC: $220k #stripe #analytics #bizops

Stripe FYR Jul 27, 2020

Many BizOps people have become PMs after a bit. Also just talk to the recruiter once you get in touch? It’s not uncommon to see people get swapped to different interview tracks.

Stripe lONI77 Jul 28, 2020

Data analyst is in the data science org. You will report to a ds manager and have a team of mostly ds, but you'll embed into an engineering team

Zillow Group KUVH58 Oct 29, 2020

OP did you apply?