Tech IndustryDec 16, 2023

Software Engineering at Travelers

For those in engineering how has the engineering org been at travelers insurance? I’ll be joining as an engineer soon and wanted to know how teams like SRE, devops, full stack work and if you all find the work interesting at travelers? Thanks! Also is the internal mobility good when switching teams? Do people usually switch after 1 year? #tech #travelers

State Farm cogs11 Dec 16, 2023

Probably trash just like statefarm

Travelers PwHe35 Dec 17, 2023

It depends on the lob. Each has different engineering groups. Most do not hop around unless they are in a leadership program

rand091 OP Dec 17, 2023

How is the internal mobility if you wanted to switch teams after 1 year?

rand091 OP Dec 17, 2023

Is that hard to do?

Travelers objectfan Dec 29, 2023

The work is fucking trash tbh, the tech stack for property insurance is ancient and totally dysfunctional (local build breaks weekly, you constantly have to reach out to someone to fix something)

rand091 OP Dec 29, 2023

I feel like all tech stacks have tech debt. My current company still uses angularJS v1.9

rand091 OP Dec 29, 2023

we have also had our automated tests fail for like a year straight lol