
Bluetooth Opportunities at Google?

I’m kind of obsessed with Bluetooth technologies on the client side (been working with them for almost three years professionally) and looking to target Google for Fitbit opportunities (Android or iOS), but was wondering if there are any other interesting products that get worked on I could be involved with. I’ve been a TL on Android and iOS BLE products. TC: 180k, YOE: 4

Veeva DrFW38 Apr 28, 2022

Nobody here knows hardware and wireless protocols at the physical layer, or what an ICD is. Probably the wrong place for this question.

CommentSold iWxF41 OP Apr 28, 2022

I should have been clearer, I meant on the client side of the product.

Instacart Fege Semo Apr 28, 2022

You are a rare breed... I hate working with Bluetooth!

Rockwell Automation NotankiSal Apr 29, 2022

On off topic, what do you think op, in how many years we could get low latency bt devices? Say for example, listening to games without any lag & with team voice chat & without dedicated usb dongles?

CommentSold iWxF41 OP Apr 29, 2022

There’s a lot going on with latency that can’t be fixed for some things. Compression likely won’t get any better for audio signal without affecting loss even more. Interference in situations where it comes up will remain constant and distance can’t be helped. That leaves the codecs and the transmitters/receivers to improve-which I am by no means an expert on given I usually work with client architecture (Think CoreBluetooth and Android Bluetooth). My impression-with a grain of salt-is that we’re a long ways off. With Apple approaching 100ms very slowly, this looks like a logarithmic scaling problem and I don’t see it going well fast without a change in the BLE protocol itself-like to a stronger connection similar to Classic.

Rockwell Automation NotankiSal Apr 29, 2022

Thanks for answering!