NewuWvJ60 project based hackerrank full stack dev

Hi guys I have received hackerrank for full stack dev role. It seems to have only one question and it requires committing code. They also said I need to use my local editor/ide. Has anyone taken this test before? The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals
Tesco Fpmw01 Dec 21, 2021

is it the Amsterdam office? They just sent me a mail as well.

Morgan Stanley YklJ64 Dec 21, 2021

Yeah it's some prewritten code. You've got to add features as required. Have a look at the mock test.

uWvJ60 OP Dec 21, 2021

Where can I find the mock test? The sample test on the hackerrank was fizzbuzz.

Morgan Stanley YklJ64 Dec 21, 2021

You probably wanna contact the recruiter or HackerRank then? When I'd written it, the mock was also for a single project based question.

UcVe44 Jun 11, 2022

Op how did this go? I just got an email from booking, but I am super confused how to approach this test.

UcVe44 Jun 12, 2022

Just gave my test. Even though the email said project based test, it was actually just 1 leetcode style question and 15 mcqs

Goldman Sachs starlink3 Jul 11, 2022

Oh, really? Did the email say that the test would be in NodeJS and stuff for you too?