Boomers designed the rules of the game, We are just the petty players

I have been saying the same thing. Future won’t be as good as the past for investments. Boomers created the rules. Boomers and Gen X exploited it. Millennials danced on those tunes and made money because of Stock market & real estate RIP. Gen Z are left for dying at the time of peak for capitalist vultures. We need newer ways of investment to redistribute the wealth. Because we gotta make boomers greedy to buy on top of what Gen Z own. Crypto is a good starting point. We are forced to buy on top by boomers in the equity & real estate markets . We will end up buying on top and boomers will chill with their generational wealth. Only way to redistribute wealth would be by stealing what you can get like how Europeans stole lands from native people. Gen Z would need to steal land from boomers by force. Otherwise keep renting, paying for someone else mortgage & lifestyle. Shitting on the streets of SF and homelessness is part and parcel of extreme capitalism. ALARMING CONSEQUENCES: 🚨 ————————————————- Back in the days, people used to start their families early in 22-23s because even with nominal pay. One was able to put food on table, things were filthy cheap and people were living in their own homes. Now average age of people getting settled has been pushed by almost 8-10 years. People don’t even think about getting settled before 28-32s if they don’t reach a good settled stage in life. Some people take even longer for example those who do PHDs as they start their life around 27s and they don’t have roof over their head which they can call home. This pushes people life to mid 30s. Some working people even are thinking not to have babies. I am sure Elon is right on this that there would be population collapse at a rapid pace. And then government will give stimulus checks and incentives to have babies because millennials are forced to chase money and not focus on life events like starting a family, raising kids etc. Some millennials are pushed to extreme working conditions that their eating habits deteriorate because of poor eating habits & stress, people are having heart attacks in 30s now which used to be 60s, couple of decades ago! Also, with every passing year. Tech is putting arbitrary constraints on promotions like bullshit impact etc. Back in the days, one was promoted for their loyalty aka how long you were with the company simply put your tenure. Now, companies are making the game harder and harder starting from interviews to promotions. Boomers want you to suck their ass and force you to be at the bottom of the barrel always. They might increase salary bands for the levels accounting inflation but they will make promotion level harder and harder so that you can’t climb as fast they were able to! ————- Check out this post! "We will never have the opportunity to build wealth like the boomers… (Investments & Money)"

We will never have the opportunity to build wealth like the boomers…
We will never have the opportunity to build wealth like the boomers…
140 Participants
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SpaceX pajF81 Jul 27, 2022

Dumb as hell take we'll just pass it on to the next generation bro

Mailchimp bImB55 OP Jul 27, 2022

Doesn’t look like that 😣

Google gEKD67 Jul 27, 2022


Cisco josediaz Jul 27, 2022

Lol simp

Meta MM_ic4 Jul 27, 2022


Square h0m3lander Jul 27, 2022


SAP sjehshcbxf Jul 27, 2022

Lol I guess that justify all the stealing/killing coming from a certain group of people..

ARAMARK Kashatlast Jul 27, 2022


Meta fomosapien Jul 27, 2022

Boom boom boomer

Microsoft movemove Jul 27, 2022


Flagged by the community.
EA DcUpxu Jul 27, 2022

Profitability has grown adjusting for inflation while real wages haven’t. Let’s go after corporations.

Meta Pztm32 Jul 27, 2022
