Gaming IndustryMay 8, 2019
Illuminatech lead


Brother is a recent game design grad. Moving more into software dev. Can anyone recommend a quality bootcamp that can handle entry level placement in tier3/2 companies? I’ve heard the good ones are the free ones that are difficult to get into? :) East coast preferred. But could also make SoCal work.

Snapchat snap May 8, 2019

Leetcode is the only bootcamp you need

Apple 3👊=>💦 May 8, 2019

Sad but true.

Illumina tech lead OP May 8, 2019

He could benefit from a more hands on / guided bootcamp. Interview tips. Prep. Contacts etc etc. Agreed leetcode is all that’s needed but looking for another option. Surely others have done this ?

Amazon 22/7 May 8, 2019

Is it a bachelor degree? How many years did it take? Is it some special or sister field of CS, like Software Engineering, Bioinformatics, or ML?

Amazon mUwn3e May 8, 2019

You dont need anything to master bfs/dfs algo and maybe the parking lot design question lol

Illumina tech lead OP May 9, 2019

Yes new grad from not a top tier school. It took a long and involved a non cs bachelors first. Not enough experience to get an interview (I suspect). Hence why I though a bootcamp would be a good path forward - a way to vet the candidates.